Electric Kiln/Installation/Hardware Assembly: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "As you could see in hardware description and BOM, you are free to choose what components are you going to install and use. There are some recommended configurations - but this are just more guidances then the rules. I would recommend to build your PIDKiln first on breadboard, and then transfer it to some other kind of permanent solution. File:https://github.com/Saur0o0n/pidkiln/blob/master/Documentation/images/PIDKiln_on_Breadboard.jpg|PID...")
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As you could see in [[Electric Kiln/Components|hardware description and BOM]], you are free to choose what components are you going to install and use. There are some recommended configurations - but this are just more guidances then the rules.
I would recommend to build your PIDKilnESP32Kiln first on breadboard, and then transfer it to some other kind of permanent solution. [[File:https://github.com/Saur0o0n/pidkiln/blob/master/Documentation/images/PIDKiln_on_Breadboard.jpg|PIDKiln of breadboard]]
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The following schematic was used to wire the RepRap LCD Screen.
[[File:RepRapSmartController.png|500px|LCD Screen Schematic]]
Connected to one of three SPI on ESP32 - called VSPI (MOSI-23, MISO-19, CLK-18, CS-5)
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<span id="minimal-configuration-of-pidkilnESP32Kiln"></span>
== Minimal configuration of PIDKilnESP32Kiln ==
This is minimal, but fully functional configuration that is able to control heating device. You can easily extend it later with additional components.
[[File:ESP32Kiln Wiring-min.png|1000px|frameless|center]]
<div class="figure">
<span id="standard-configuration-of-pidkilnESP32Kiln"></span>
[[File:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Saur0o0n/pidkiln/master/Documentation/PIDKiln_Wiring-min.png|PIDkiln minimal wiring]]
== Standard configuration of PIDKilnESP32Kiln ==
<span id="standard-configuration-of-pidkiln"></span>
== Standard configuration of PIDKiln ==
Full configuration with all possible bells and whistles.
[[File:ESP32Kiln Wiring.png|1000px|center]]
<div class="figure">
[[File:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Saur0o0n/pidkiln/master/Documentation/PIDKiln_Wiring.png|PIDkiln wiring]]
<span id="power-meter"></span>
== Power meter ==
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If you have meter with voltage output, you are only require to have two additional 10kOhm resistors and 10uF capacitor. You need to connect first and third “pin” from micro jack.
<div class="figure">
[[File:https://github.com/Saur0o0n/pidkiln/blob/master/Documentation/images/PowerMeter.png|Power meter connectivity]]
This additional hardware is required to change output voltage from meter. Since it’s AC voltage -1V to +1V and ESP32 can only measure 0V to +3,3V we need to “shift” it up. So we create simple voltage divider with resistors and we should have 3,3V/2 = 1,65V in the middle of it. When combined with power meter voltage we should have 0,65V to 2,65V voltage range to measure. This is something that ESP32 can handle. Capacitor is only to provide some kind of hysteresis.
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== Power supply ==
Preferably you should power your PIDKilnESP32Kiln device with regulated +5V power supply. This way you can power ESP32 board through VIN (do not use VIN and USB at once!) pin and use 5V to directly power EMR relay (around 185mA) and LCD backlight (current depends of brightness).
You could power board with just USB, but 5V output from my board (ESP32-Wrover TTGO with microsd) is too weak to handle EMR and LCD and most of other boards even do not have 5V out. You could also use VIN as 5V vout (this pin should be connected directly to USB 5V output) - but then you are limited by USB output and how much board traces can handle.
