Electric Kiln/Installation/Software Installation

If you already installed all required software components, you can proceed to configure and install ESP32Kiln on your ESP32 board.

In Arduino IDE choose proper "Board", and set "Partition schema" with SPIFFS. In my case this looks like this:

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
  • For production use, you should disable serial debug in "ESP32Kiln.ino" - set it on false (#define DEBUG false)
  • If you have second MAX for housing temperature, uncomment it in "ESP32Kiln.h"
// MAX31855 variables/defs
#define MAXCS1  27    // for hardware SPI - HSPI (MOSI-13, MISO-12, CLK-14) - 1st device CS-15
//#define MAXCS2  15    // same SPI - 2nd device CS-27 (comment out if no second thermocouple)
  • If you have power sensor, uncomment it
// If you have power meter - uncoment this
//#define ENERGY_MON_PIN 33       // if you don't use - comment out
  • Compile and upload.
  • Open "data/etc/ESP32Kiln.conf" and edit your WiFi credentials (if you want to use one) also you can tune some additional parameters there.
  • Upload sketch data (from "data" directory) to ESP32 SPIFFS with help of ESP32FS plugin (in Arduino IDE go to Menu->Tools->ESP32 Sketch Data Upload).