01/30/2023 Board Meeting
Location: Zoom Attendees: Mars K, Joe K, Damon H, Joe S.
- Meeting structure
- Finances Update
- New storage system
- Maker Residency
- Newsletter
- David C Time Away
- CiviCRM Migration
- Laser Filter Order
- Coney Island Maker Faire
Finances Update
- Joe Kim update: we are paid up on both State and City Taxes!
- ~$2,000 in Taxes
- FCFL is now fully up to date on all Taxes Federal, State, and City, all time.
New Storage System
- CiviCrm implementation of new 1/2 size full size storage prices is a blocker
- Timeline: Goal implement new price points by end Q1
- For now, put an industrial storage shelf in place of the "peninsula" sticking out into the space
- Damon to propose a shelving solution to use for additional bins
Maker Residency
- To remain as non Members / former Members only.
- Board Election Section: Add a link to kick off Member involvement in the next election / nomination.
- Joe S. to create a new #newsletter slack channel and solicit Member involvement / project blurbs
David C Time away
- Board to send David a message to plan next steps / timeline for return.
CiviCrm Migration
- Harrison and Joe K are trying out CiviSpark
Filter mail check
- Need to re-mail the check to TS Air
- Joe S. to re-write check to the filter supplier tomorrow and send by certified mail.
Coney Island Maker Faire
- Currently being planned
- Communicate to Members details when they solidify