08/22/2022 Board Meeting
Location: Google Meets 7pm EST Joe Kim, Arjen De Jong, David Choi, Harold Morales, Joe Stilin, Ryan Murphy (Member)
- Discussion on Voting Ryan Murphy onto Board of Directors
- Vote on the purchase of new computers
- Recap on CNC class starting up
- Update on status of tax filing
Discussion on Voting Ryan Murphy onto Board of Directors
- Ryan would like to help with Bylaws, Board Transparency, Delegation of tasks
- Discussion on access to logins - currently all Board Members have access to all sensitive logins
- Joe K raises short length of time Ryan has been a member (3 weeks)
- We don't want to set a precedent in voting in brand-new Members as Board Members
- We could give Ryan elevated access to certain systems - giving him more ability to help / delegate
- Decision made to meet in person and discuss holding a vote to add Ryan as a Board Member.
Purchase of new laser lab computers
- Current laser comps are over nine years old and very slow
- Main lab comp is dead
- Budget for up to 3 new comps can be kept under $3k
- Can buy these computers 1 at a time - Harold would like to wait until Q3
[Vote on budget of $1000 for 1 computer] OUTCOME: APPROVED
CNC Class Update
- Harold is the teacher.
- Two-part class will be each month. First class on second Thursday, second class 1 week later
- We need to figure out CNC Open Hrs.
- One CNC Open Hrs per month.
- Need additional CNC instructors: Joe K. and Arjen are interested in being teachers.
Status of tax filing
- Harold update: Almost complete for review of Federal filing for all years 2015 - 2021
- Filing as for-profit for Federal taxes. (Feds don't see us as a charity)
- Goal is for Federal to be done by September.
- State is trickier. Not complete yet.
Board Transparency
- Make all future Board meetings open to Members
- Except special meetings in which sensitive topics are discussed
Backlog Agenda Items
- On-call people for maintenance/repair/cleaning
- Dana's equipment donation
- Board reimbursement for professional services
Next Meeting
- Go to weekly after Open House at 8:00-8:30pm