09/11/2023 Board Meeting
Attendees: Joe Kim, Harold Morales, David Choi, Damon Hamm, Harrison Friedes Sep 11, 2023
- Harrison Friedes board member stuff
- As discussed last meeting, the Board is fine with appointing Harrison as an ‘interim’ board member. He will participate in the election process like everyone else.
- TODO by Joe: Write down what accesses should be given to ‘interm’ board member.
- Voting - interim board members don’t participate in voting on policy, only because this is so close to December elections..
- Board voted unanimously for Harrison Friedes to join the board as an interim board member, expiring at the next election (like a normal board member).
- As discussed last meeting, the Board is fine with appointing Harrison as an ‘interim’ board member. He will participate in the election process like everyone else.
- CoC stuff - members were spoken to about the code of conduct, i.e. ‘be nice to each other’ and they all agreed to try to do better.
- Makerfaire budget = ~$200
- Junk removal, possible Dumpster rental
- Sizes & budget - David to investigate costs and options.
- Date TBD
- By-Laws
- Discussion of recent clarifications to our by-laws and how Hack Manhattan handles elections.
- Our by laws should not include any election procedures. That should exist as a public document outside of our by-laws, to allow for future changes. The by-laws are filed with the State, and therefore should rarely change.
- Made edits to Article III, Section 2 to be more clear about board members being active lab members.
- Looking to choose the same voting SAAS system that Hack Manhattan uses - Election Buddy - https://electionbuddy.com/
- TO DO: ALL board members to read the existing by-laws document for reviewing for approval
- TO DO: ALL board members to dump in examples for a voting policy and procedure for board elections.
- Rent is now paid through the landlords online portal (yay!)
- FCFL savings
- We have a lot of emergency savings in our checking account that we’d like to move into a savings account and/or CD that accrues interest.
- TBD what amount we keep in checking for quick access.
- TBD - look into converting our personal checking account into a commercial account. It was started in a personal account due to lack of previous records and need of banking access when the new board took over in 2021.