09/20/2021 Board Meeting
Location: Zoom Web conference Attendees: Joe Kim, Arjen De Jong, Harold Morales, Joe Stilin, David Choi
Officers Selection
- Harold volunteers as Treasurer, Joe Kim as Chair, Joe Stilin as Secretary, and Arjen as Vice-Chair
[Vote on officer positions]
OUTCOME: All four board positions APPROVED
Board discusses proposed bylaws
- Proposed: maximum number of board members set to 7
- Discussion of how Chair can be removed: with cause or with or without cause
- Discussion of board meeting prior notification: 8 days for normal meetings, 48 hours for emergency meetings.
- Discussion of quorum for voting: decision for ½ board size, rounded up.
- Notice of board member resignation: must give one week notice.
- Transparency of books and accounting: update bylaws later (See todo’s)
- Amendment of bylaws: vote requires majority vote by minimum ⅔ of the board.
[vote on adoption of bylaws] [Arjen abstains]
Board Members
Vote to add David Choi as board member
OUTCOME: David Choi APPROVED as member of the Board
- Discussion of new lease offer from Ed
- Joe K to talk with Ed to negotiate lease terms re: electricity and water bills
- ‘Hazardous Materials’ portion of lease: what does hazardous material mean?
- Electricity billing: we want meter installed by a specific date, after that we don’t pay the $500 a month.
- Water: $4000 water bill mistake. Add stipulation that Ed pays for this.
- Joe Kim signed on to Chase Bank Account, Peter still on the account.
Fab Lab Member Relations
- Email to members: draft to show David Choi joined board on 9/20/021
- Current misconduct policy to be modified in the future to include a slack members channel moderation policy
- Joe Kim proposes to lead the charge on making online experience for members better / fully transparent
- Keys and locks: Ask Peter and Woody to give back their physical keys to locks, including locker
- Delegation of tasks to members: plan to ask for volunteers to help with onboarding, programs, etc.
[vote on giving Joe Kim duty on online accounts / member online experience]
OUTCOME: Approved
- Joe Kim to make onboarding process smoother so the work and needing to physically be at the lab can be shared amongst the board and volunteer members.
- Update bylaws with requirement to make books and accounting public later, after we are fully able to publish our books.
- Update purpose section of bylaws more tailored to Fat Cat Fab Lab
- Joe Kim to talk to Ed about our electricity and water amendments to the lease on Wednesday
- Modify and send out email to members
- Joe Kim to ask Peter and Woody for to hand in their mail keys
- David to work with Dana on independent study
Next Meeting
- Tomorrow, 7pm
- Agenda for next meeting:
- Events and Programs
- Decision on restarting classes/ how to teach
- Create W9/1099 contract for instructor(s)
- Prior verbal agreement with Woody
- Open house
- Who will host
- We need access to meetup account from Peter
- Update on sponsored membership program
- Cleaning out the lab
- Large garbage pickup progress?
- Decide / vote on initiative to clear old projects / material from the lab [with care, given recent events] (Vote from Members?)
- Brief Discussion on current events
- Deploying a Wiki
- Establish Open Docs Policy
- See Hack Manhattan Wiki for something we should aspire too
- Publish ByLaws/Rule of Board Meeting Minutes/Notes
- Google Accounts
- Discuss upgrading google account to business g-suite
- Mostly want ability to deploy a shared drive for company
- Going to for 2FA for Google accounts
- Want to buy a 1password account
- Need to change passwords everywhere
- Easier to share and change all passwords for everyone