10/20/2021 Board Meeting
Location: FCFL and Google Meets Attendees: Joe Kim, Harold Morales, David Choi, Joe Stilin
Directors and Officers Insurance
- Harold brings D&O insurance to the floor:
- $1,400 per year
[Vote on purchasing D&O insurance]
OUTCOME: Approved
Expensify Accounts
- All board members to get Expensify account
- Javascript errors, DNS problems, fix still ongoing
3D Printers
- Store broken / printers needing maintenance for now.
- Install systems for better ease of use (print from home)
Lab Layout
- Move 3D printers to curved wall at the front
Basic necessities
- Monthly budget consumables on consumables
- For now, $100 monthly budget with list made of items
Eating and Drinking in the Lab
- Changing to allow eating and drinking in the lab
- Approved
- Communicate to members the rules
- Pack food out, clean up after yourself wear mask before / after.
Task Management Tool
- Harold proposes Trello.
Issue tracking
- Members breaking rules / Code of Conduct
- Concerns / complaints / suggestions form (google form) for members
Open House
- Move open house to Wednesdays
- Have a big open house next Wednesday!