Board Meeting Minutes 2021-09-20

From Fat Cat Fab Lab

Fat Cat Fab Lab Board Meeting


Attendees: Joe Kim, Arjen De Jong, Joe Stilin, Harold Morales, David Choi


Officers Selection

Harold volunteers as Treasurer, Joe Kim as Chair, Joe Stilin as Secretary, and Arjen as Vice-Chair

[Vote on officer positions]

OUTCOME: All four board positions APPROVED


   Board discusses proposed bylaws
   Proposed: maximum number of board members set to 7
   Discussion of how Chair can be removed: with cause or with or without cause
   Discussion of board meeting prior notification: 8 days for normal meetings, 48 hours for emergency meetings.
   Discussion of quorum for voting: decision for ½ board size, rounded up.
   Notice of board member resignation: must give one week notice.
   Transparency of books and accounting: update bylaws later (See todo’s)
   Amendment of bylaws: vote requires majority vote by minimum ⅔ of the board.

[vote on adoption of bylaws]

[Arjen abstains]


Board Members

   Vote to add David Choi as board member

OUTCOME: David Choi APPROVED as member of the Board


   Discussion of new lease offer from Ed
   Joe K to talk with Ed to negotiate lease terms re: electricity and water bills
   ‘Hazardous Materials’ portion of lease: what does hazardous material mean?
   Electricity billing: we want meter installed by a specific date, after that we don’t pay the $500 a month.
   Water: $4000 water bill mistake. Add stipulation that Ed pays for this.


   Joe Kim signed on to Chase Bank Account, Peter still on the account.

Fab Lab Member Relations

   Email to members: draft to show David Choi joined board on 9/20/021
   Current misconduct policy to be modified in the future to include a slack members channel moderation policy
   Joe Kim proposes to lead the charge on making online experience for members better / fully transparent 
   Keys and locks: Ask Peter and Woody to give back their physical keys to locks, including locker
   Delegation of tasks to members: plan to ask for volunteers to help with onboarding, programs, etc.

[vote on giving Joe Kim duty on online accounts / member online experience]

OUTCOME: Approved


   Joe Kim to make onboarding process smoother so the work and needing to physically be at the lab can be shared amongst the board and volunteer members.


   Update bylaws with requirement to make books and accounting public later, after we are fully able to publish our books.
   Update purpose section of bylaws more tailored to Fat Cat Fab Lab
   Joe Kim to talk to Ed about our electricity and water amendments to the lease on Wednesday
   Modify and send out email to members
   Joe Kim to ask Peter and Woody for to hand in their mail keys
   David to work with Dana on independent study

Next Meeting

   Tomorrow, 7pm 
   Agenda for next meeting:
   Events and Programs
       Decision on restarting classes/ how to teach
           Create W9/1099 contract for instructor(s)
           Prior verbal agreement with Woody
       Open house
           Who will host
           We need access to meetup account from Peter
       Update on sponsored membership program
   Cleaning out the lab
       Large garbage pickup progress?
       Decide / vote on initiative to clear old projects / material from the lab [with care, given recent events] (Vote from Members?)
           Brief Discussion on current events
   Deploying a Wiki
       Establish Open Docs Policy
           See Hack Manhattan Wiki for something we should aspire too
       Publish ByLaws/Rule of Board Meeting Minutes/Notes
   Google Accounts
       Discuss upgrading google account to business g-suite
           Mostly want ability to deploy a shared drive for company
       Going to for 2FA for Google accounts
   Want to buy a 1password account
       Need to change passwords everywhere
       Easier to share and change all passwords for everyone