FCFL Program Administrators: Difference between revisions

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'''Discussion Questions'''<br>
* Name of the program? Artist or Maker Residency?
** 'Fab Lab Maker Residency'
* Are we decided on scheduling the cycle dates & cadence? 1 Artist every month? Twice a year? Is our goal to get ahold of the donation funds or to get quality workshops? DBell: [...]list the residency maybe twice a year. For the long term it will seem like a more valuable residency that way (as opposed to a continuous cycle of them).
** 3 at a time, scheduled cohorts every two months. What about folks with deadlines?
* Pairing disciplines?
** Add to form - Question around when their ideal availability is for BUS classes etc. Can you take this class on this date?
** 'Preferences' on the form - which cohort works for you best?
** BUS classes need to be in first two weeks
* Are we decided on complexity - one residency option or two different ones? Still 1 artist per month?
** One level.
* If there are multiple residents at one time, their chosen tools should ideally not overlap, ie: if one person is focused on the laser then another should be focused on 3D printing, so as not to clog up the members' ability to maximize their use of these tools during the resident's stay.
** up to 3 artists
** 100% off, 4 hrs (for example) workshop requirement
* Pecha Kucha
** Informal, mid-way through residency, along with any other members
** Connect with social media
** Dedicated time (probably not during open house)
* If there are multiple residents at one time, their chosen tools should ideally not overlap, ie: if one person is focused on the laser then another should be focused on 3D printing, so as not to clog up the members' ability to maximize their use of these tools during the resident's stay.
** They should overlap!
* If residency is still 100% free, we might want to collect card payment information at the start to act like a damage deposit if they destroy the laser or never complete their workshop.
** For now, let's not take their card info
* Ask applicants for a small administration fee? (Leaning towards 'no', though can add later on if we get too many or non-serious applications
* Value of Residency
** $280 with storage
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* (Joe?): Create new application form(s) reflecting new program structure
* Add accounting and reporting to sheet where applications land
* Advertising the program on NYFA, etc.
* Set up a schedule for cohorts.
* Add the first several cohort dates options to the form as check box options.
* Review member terms and tailor to the Maker Residency.
