Fab Lab Maker Residency: Difference between revisions

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Candidates must understand and sign off on Residency Requirements<br>
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== For FCFL Program Administers [to be moved to separate page when complete] ==
== Mission ==
Enable individual artists and their project visions through a focused, two-month artist residency at Fat Cat Fab Lab. FCFL will provide tools, community, and classes, along with the opportunity and challenge for artists to actively share and teach what they’ve gained during their residency.
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Bring in new fiscal sponsor funding and carry out the mission of fiscal sponsors through the Fab Lab Artist Residency
=== Tasks ===
social sharing during program: - welcome sponsored members - projects in-progress - completed stuff
Showcase spon. Members projects (social, website)
Video of presentation - put on Fat Cat Fab Lab youtube.
needset toup definea Pecha kucha "night" -Meetup event (since short, should it be is it 4 to 7 presentations at a time?)
=== Email Boilerplate Templates ===
----- scratch text notes & people's ideas pasted below -----
need to define Pecha kucha "night" - is it 4 to 7 presentations at a time?
Action items:
- Damon: '''in progress:''' Draft description of program for website here in wiki
- Joe: Draft a requirements doc for participants
- Milestones for participants
- Overhaul admin / onboarding
- Plan for getting the word out about the program
- Abagail: Draft a survey for current members on their maker / artist background. What kind of person does our space appeal to?
- Abagail: copy for emails: app received, accepted, rejected, onboarding emails.
- Damon: add communications email templates into wiki's administer's area
- Diana: Research open calls in the Trello card and others
- Diana: Research open calls in http://nyfa.org/ , http://rivet.es/ , https://www.callforentry.org , Wooloo.org ,
- Diana: Document program and actions in our new Wiki
- Jen: the MC for Pecha kuchas! coach participants
- plan and schedule the cycle dates & cadence (planned, then 'dropped' with a public roll-out like any media campaign - how often: 4 times a year?, rolling? when does call open/close, decision period, yadda yadda)
- Create new application form(s) reflecting new program structure
- Add accounting and reporting to sheet where applications land
- Draft instructions for artist sharing assets and information about their projects for FCFL's social, blog, etc.
- Copy / paste residency wording to main website
- Advertise the open call in http://nyfa.org/ , http://rivet.es/ , https://www.callforentry.org , Wooloo.org ,
