Member Shipping to FCFL

From Fat Cat Fab Lab
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Shipping direct to FCFL usually requires membership with a storage tub. Seems obvious, but please make sure to include your name along with Fat Cat Fab Lab on the shipping label so that the package can be dropped off to your tub, else it will get opened to determine ownership, or worse, not get accepted from the delivery person if using a non-member name. You can usually do this via a care-of (C/O) option with your vendor stored addresses. If your vendor's software is braindead and doesn't directly allow you to do this, then I'd recommend the following format:

FAT CAT FAB LAB (C/O membernamegoeshere)
NEW YORK, NY 10014-3188
United States

Don't be a copypasta drone by making sure to change membershipnamegoeshere to your name.