08/14/2023 Board Meeting

From Fat Cat Fab Lab
Revision as of 00:20, 15 August 2023 by Jstilin (talk | contribs)
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Location: Zoom, 7pm ET Attendees: David Choi, Harold Morales, Damon Hamm, Joe Stilin

  • Slack Pro
  • Rent Statements
  • Code of Conduct
  • Maker Residency Show and Tell
  • 2023 Board Election
Slack Pro
  • Can get Slack Pro if we use a fiscal sponsor
  • For Slack Pro, the active member limit = 250 (currently FCFL is at ~40 active Slack Members)
  • Idea from Harrison: Hoboken MakerBar applies for Slack Pro on our behalf using their EIN
  • Consideration: Fiscal Sponsor arrangement and a document that states what the agreement between MakerBar and FCFL is.
  • Harrison to send over .pdf with agreement on behalf of MakerBar to FCFL Board.
Rent Statements
  • We have a message from Hillcrest saying we owe rent for July and August 2023.
  • Harold has sent proof of payment over to info@fatcatfablab.org for these payments; Joe to forward.
Code of Conduct
  • Discussion of Member Misconduct and next steps.
  • Joe S to write up draft email, Board to refine and send.
Maker Residency Show and Tell =
  • Joe S. to lead on organizing show and tell for 2-3 weeks from now.
2023 Board Elections =
  • Goal is to do this election in September this year
  • First step: revamp our voting procedure to be more simple. Research how other spaces have done it in the past.
Next Meeting

Monday, August 28, 2023 7pm